Wednesday, August 26, 2015


The world is very scary and it's upsetting to see even after major events of loss, change isn't happening to prevent similar events from happening in the future. From feeling sad, to complete rage and then confusion on the current state of America's gun laws and restrictions today is just another prime example of these emotions. Alison Parker, and Adam Ward were just people doing their jobs with no idea of what was going to happen. This kind of event isn't an exception but has become common today, almost to the point where many feel desensitized from the whole event. And every similar event ends with a very similar reaction and ending, many yelling for some regulation to prevent more of these from happening, many yelling against it, and many graves dug for people whose lives ended much quicker than expected. At this point I don't know what to say or what to do except just ask how much more loss do we have to go through as a community to realize we need some form of change to prevent this type of pain.

Rest in Peace Alison and Adam and my thoughts and prayers go out to your families and friends.

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